
Geraldine Lavin can be contacted in the following ways.

Business Enquiries

Please get in touch by email:
(00353) 87 – 811 1947


I am always available to network and join the conversation.



I regularly post on LinkedIn and you can find me at the link below.


I am based in Dublin, Ireland but have a wide client base which means that I work with domestic and international clients and am available to travel when required.

Let’s Talk

If you would like to make contact about your upcoming project, I’d love to hear all about it.  You can fill in the form below or email me at the above address.

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Some of my clients

As a learning and education consultant I provide programme design, delivery and evaluation services on topics such as entrepreneurship, SME business development, innovation, customer discovery, customer experience management and strategy.

DCU Ryan Academy

Solas Learning Works

The Institute of Banking

Geraldine Lavin Business Management Consultant and Trainer

Cesuga Spain